About Blue Tiger Wellness – What is BTW About?

About Blue Tiger Wellness
About Blue Tiger Wellness

Who’s the Magic About Blue Tiger Wellness (BTW)?

Bön Practitioners (Bönpos) have been around for centuries and have made their living keeping people on track. And so, we can be more than just your spiritual advisor, they can actually grant wishes in your lives! Whether it’s for relationships, business, wealth, health, spiritual goals you have, you are in good hands about Blue Tiger Wellness. Brenden is a Reality Architect™, Certified Massage Therapist #74782 and a Tibetan Bön Cosmologer.

Being a veteran IT Security professional in his former life for over a decade out of high school… Brenden was sure to gain the whole world doing what society, family and mentors influenced him to do. He had the lake house, the high-paying job, benefits, the college degree, even attended church, volunteered his time, all the things an “outstanding citizen” does.

Since passing the MBLEx and receiving Illinois and California state licenses for practice, he is utilizing his professional expertise and knowledge to deliver health solutions to the general public. With this experience as well as his own personal findings from 17 years of foam-rolling experience, physical therapy, chiropractic and massage therapy, he possesses a well-rounded wealth of health & wellness information, knowledge on how to properly utilize therapeutic techniques, Kum Nye breathing, medical massage and foam-rolling coaching to help people with their minds and bodies.

What is Massage, Really?

The main benefits of Kum Nye (body massage) and foam-rolling are to maximize mind-body effectiveness. While simply embodying a sense of “well-being” and working toward helping a being’s spirit in order to heal the body. Whether it’s for relationships, business, wealth, health, spiritual goals you have, you are in good hands with Brenden Brown.

And after 26 years of success, something was still missing!

After almost losing his soul, he literally wished upon the stars of the universe and sought to meet someone that can show him, “The Way”. Because I wished this, shortly after I was introduced to His Holiness, Padma Gonpo Rinpoche and started to follow the Bön path. Brenden leads a successful wellness practice that leads people to success in their lives and leading you to greater fulfillment!

Find our Frequently-Asked-Questions (FAQ) here!

Ready to learn about Blue Tiger Wellness can help you start your new life? Book your discovery call today!

Are you interested about Blue Tiger Wellness; finding self-care tips and tricks? Visit the Blue Tiger Wellness YouTube channel here!

Ready to book a retreat or spa party for your group or business? Contact Brenden by emailing here or contact by phone at 312-493-6186